Friday, May 14, 2010

Vegan Pizza

Rolled, Herbed, Whole Wheat Pizza Crust

Friday nights are pizza night at our house. We like to mix it up with flavors, but tonight I was feeling a little more traditional. I added dried Italian herbs to the crust, delish. Here's the recipe.

3 C whole wheat flour ( use white whole wheat for softer crust - available from King Athur)

1 T yeast

1 t sea salt

1 T dried Italian herbs (optional)

1 T olive oil

approx. 1 C warm water

I use a quick method. I put the flour in the mixer first, then the yeast and salt and mix it with a dough hook on a low speed. I then add the liquids while the mixture is running. First the olive oil, then the water. Add only enough water until the dough is forming a ball and there is no remaining loose flour. Sometimes you'll need more (or less) than a cup. I let it rest and rise for 30 min or so and roll it out into crusts. It makes 4 personal size pizzas.

Crust w/tomato sauce & Tofutti Garlic & Herb Better Than Cream Cheese

I used a plain tomato sauce this time, but I prefer crushed tomatoes. I have to drive an hour to get vegan cheese, so I used what I had, which was Tofutti Herb & Garlic Better Than Cream Cheese. I've done this before, it's wonderful. I topped it with spinach ( I won't be using this again after reading Alicia's Book), tomatoes, mushrooms, green peppers, sweet onions, crushed pineapple, crushed red peppers & dried Italian herbs.

Veggie Pizza Ready for the Grill!

It's starting to get hot here in the Southwest, so I moved my loved pizza stone to the grill outside. I heat the grill to "medium" and put the pizzas directly on the stone, close the lid and cook for 10 to 15 min. These are fun to make and my family each creates their own, so it is a great family meal.

Pizza is Ready!


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