Thursday, May 13, 2010

Maple Cinnamon Soy Ice Cream

I made the yummiest ice cream today. I have a Cuisinart ice cream maker. It was Maple Cinnamon and so good.

Here's the Recipe

3 Cups Soy Milk

1/4 C maple syrup

1/3 C agave syrup

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 t cinnamon (more if you want it stronger)

That's it. I like it cooked, but you don't have to if you are in a hurry. I heated it over medium heat and cooked it for about 5 min. Then I chilled it in the fridge till completely cool. If you skip this step, you just mix and put it in the ice cream maker. Pour cooled mixture into maker and operate as directed. Enjoy.

This would have been amazing with toasted time.


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