Our Nuggets

So Much Personality!

My Daughter is showing her friend a Nugget

Well, it seems there is some interest in our little Nuggets.  If you have read my About Me Page, you know that i'm a vegan who occasionally eats eggs.  While that might seem like a contradiction, I don't see it that way.

Cleopatra. She is no longer with us, since she turned out to be a Marc Anthony. We couldn't keep her in town. Luckily he is happily crowing outside the city limits at a friends home.

Wintergreen wants my tea

First and foremost, our Chickens are loved pets.  These are well loved friendly chickens, nicknamed The Nuggets by my kids.  They are involved in our lives daily and bring us so much joy.  I do not eat eggs outside my home.  I strongly disapprove of the way chickens are treated in the food industry and I won't do anything to knowingly support it.

Spearmint and Venus


I thought it might be nice if you could see just how cute these little girls are.

Goldie & Aphrodite

Nuggets love to dig

An egg

I have yet to post any food that has any egg in it.  It is unlikely that I will.  Our life is vegan and the eggs are a side note.  My hubby & kids eat them and I occasionally make a lasagna with homemade noodles that contain eggs.  That's pretty much it.

Food Journal


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