Monday, May 10, 2010

Our First Vegan BBQ

We got home from my sons’ baseball game and felt like a BBQ. I had vegan Boca patties in the freezer, so we heated up the grill. I don’t buy store bought breads, so I quickly mixed up a bread recipe, shaped some rolls, let em rest a little and tossed them on the grill. We have a pizza stone we put in our grill so I can bake. While they were resting and baking I boiled some 3/4″ slices of potato and sweet potato, both with the peel on. When the sweet potatoes were just tender, I took them out, tossed them lightly with oil and put them on the grill. I let the potatoes continue cooking until done, but not mushy. They got a cold rinse and were chopped into a rustic potato salad. I used pickles, veganaise, mustard and Franks. They both turned out yummy. We grilled the Bocas and had a great meal.

I felt incredibly satisfied! So did Hubby.


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