Friday, May 21, 2010

Taco Night!

I was inspired by idreamoftahini to tryout my families regular taco recipe with tempeh. I had already ordered the 5 grain one from Turtle Island. No one in my family had ever had tempeh before, including me.

First I browned the tempeh with onion and garlic. It browned nicely. Then I added canned green chilies, 1/2 cup canned, chopped tomatoes with lime and cilantro, 1/4 cup water, 1 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp chipolte chile powder and salt to taste. Measurements are approximate. I season until it tastes good.Then I let it simmer on low until thickened. I was impressed how much faster this took then when I make the same thing with meat. It was also delicious! My family loved it and agreed we had no need of the beef tacos we used to have.Ironically, we didn't have tacos. I opted for a burrito with tempeh, rice, beans, lettuce and tomato. My family had tostadas & burritos.


Food Journal


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