Monday, May 10, 2010

Asian Feast

I thought it would be a good idea to kick off this adventure with food I love. My main meal is lunch, so this is it. We will be starting off with some Miso soup. The recipe came from Clean Food (another great book). Then, I'm making the Fried Rice from the Kind Diet, pg 234. I had to make adjustments to the veggies, I didn't have what was called for here, I used, carrots and onions. I'm scrambling a small amount of firm tofu with soy sauce to stir in, this replaces the egg my family loves. I'm making the Crispy Tofu Slices with Orange Dipping Sauce on pg 158. I am adding some soy sauce and sriracha to the sauce and then thickening it slightly. I'm also making a simple stir-fry; mushrooms, bell peppers, leeks, carrots, zucchini along with simple veggie spring rolls. I'm so hungry.


Food Journal


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