Monday, May 10, 2010

A Journey Begins With A Step

I’ve been overweight too long, and feel ready for a change. I’m currently just under 200lbs and 5’2″. I haven’t gained any weight in ages, but have held steady here. I have gone through an emotional journey over the last year and finally feel ready to tackle the physical part of myself.

Saturday I gave myself an early Mother’s Day gift, Alicia Silverstone’s book “The Kind Diet”. I had looked at this book a few months ago, but felt the vegan requirement was just too much. I’ve been vegan before, but it has been 10 years. My motivations weren’t my own. I feel more ready now. I want to do this for me. I spent several hours Sunday reading and planning; then grocery shopping.

I woke up this morning feeling terrible. I think it was all the meat and dairy I ate this weekend. So I’m committed. Vegan. I haven’t said it out loud to Hubby, probably for the best. We already aren’t eating meat much or dairy either, but he’s a little intimidated by the name. I think the taste of the food I cook and how we feel will be what convinces him. And I’m not completely vegan. I’m not sure the eggs from our chickens are worth avoiding or the Thanksgiving turkey from a local farm. I guess I’ll have to experiment and see. I will avoid the eggs for a week or two and then try one and see how I feel. The chickens are most definitely happy, so I feel no guilt about eating the eggs.

I got tons of grains and veggies at the store yesterday and am ready. If only I didn’t have this meat hangover, lol.


Food Journal


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