Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Love Boca Burgers

I usually have the same thing for dinner as I have for lunch, especially since lunch is my main meal. Today was Boca Burgers. I didn't get a pic at lunch, but here's a look at dinner. I haven't purchased store bought bread in ages; but Hubby was working in the kitchen today so no baking. These buns were Whole Wheat and vegan. Dinner was a little indulgent with the chips, but I was out of everything else.

I usually have the same thing for dinner as I have for lunch, especially since lunch is my main meal. Today was Boca Burgers. I didn't get a pic at lunch, but here's a look at dinner. I haven't purchased store bought bread in ages; but Hubby was working in the kitchen today so no baking. These buns were Whole Wheat and vegan. Dinner was a little indulgent with the chips, but I was out of everything else.


Food Journal


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