Thursday, May 13, 2010

Heat Up The Grill

What can I say, it's getting warm outside and I was in the mood for another burger. Plus, Hubby was fixing the sink, so I wanted out of the kitchen. We grilled these Vegan Boca Burgers up with some sweet potato slices. These were super easy. I sliced them about 1 inch thick, then steamed them with the potato I was going to be using for a potato salad. I steamed them until the were almost done, then lightly sprinkled them with olive oil before putting them on the hot grill. Fantastic.

When we want potato salad in a hurry, I make what I call Rustic Potato Salad. Meaning I don't care what it looks like, but it has to taste good! I cut 1 inch slices of potato, peel on, and steam then until done, but not falling apart. I then plunge them into cold/ice water. Not too long though. Then I loosely chop them and add veganaise, mustard, diced celery, diced pickles, Franks & onion powder. This is endlessly versatile, you can add whatever you want. I don't measure, just add until tastes yummy. Let it sit in the fridge while you get the rest of the meal ready. Yum!


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