Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Letting Go

It's time to dump the fat pants, so to speak.  I'm talking about cookbooks.  I love to cook and have many cookbooks.  I only own two vegan ones, The Kind Diet and Clean Food.  I love them both and have relied heavily on them over the past few weeks.

It all started when I got my newest Cooking Light magazine in the mail late last week.  Usually, this is a highlight for me, but now I was viewing the magazine with new eyes.  I was surprised to see how few meatless recipes there were and almost all of those had cheese or another dairy.  There wasn't much left to make.  Being new to veganism, I am still learning how to use certain ingredients.  I need more instruction.  Not to mention, that some of the recipes looked good!  I haven't been tempted to have meat, until I looked through that magazine.  I just don't need that.

Then my daughter pointed out all my cookbooks were full of meat too.  I already new this, but I was holding on to them like a safety blanket.  Makes no sense, since I see this as a permanent change.  Even last week, when I went to the used book store to sell some books we no longer needed, I didn't include the cookbooks, why?  I decided they were like fat pants.  I was holding on to them just in case.  It's time to let go.  Strangely it feels like a bigger commitment that the initial one I made.  So today I'm going through the cookbooks, 11 already this morning, and scanning out any vegan recipes I find that sound good.  I have about 15 to 20 to go.   It feels good.  We are boxing them up for our monthly shopping trip, when I can turn them in.  Now I need to find some new vegan cookbooks!

I'm looking forward to the day when I'm really letting go of my fat pants.  I'm losing weight, my hubby too, but haven't gotten rid of clothes yet.  I think that will be truly awesome.


Anonymous said...

Try Veganomicon, It's like Joy of Cooking for Vegans

Tina said...

I love Veganomicon!

I got rid of my old cookbooks, too. I'm hanging onto one that is vegetarian (I'm vegan). It has a few good recipes that I know just where to flip to, and no pictures.

Wegman's supermarket started sending me their Menu magazine and I asked them to stop. Having been vegetarian for so long, I find the meat photos disturbing, but mostly it is just discouraging to have to flip past all sorts of "nope, nope, nope, well maybe I could leave out the..." for just a few appropriate recipes. Instead of having what I don't eat shoved in my face, I prefer to focus on the incredible abundance I can select from.

There are many vegan cookbooks now, but I only have four because there are SO MANY RECIPES everywhere on the internet.

I still want to know what the BBQ "chicken" on your pizza was - that sounded good!

Cecile said...

The BBQ chicken was sauteed Gardein Scallopini, sliced thinly and mixed with a vegan BBQ sauce. Yum! We are having a huge 4th of July gathering and we are the only vegans (or vegetarians for that matter) that will be attending. We plan on BBQ "chicken" on buns with vegan potato salad.

I agree about not seeing a bunch of no's. It can make it feel restrictive, when it's not. The one non-vegan cookbook I plan on keeping is The Whole Foods Market one. At least for now. It has quite a few vegan recipes. Too many for me to reasonably scan, lol. There is an amazing number of recipes on the internet. Such a great time to be vegan. When I did it 11 years ago, it was MUCH more difficult.

Renee said...

Congratulations on your new journey! Paul and I have kept our weight off for over 6 years now, and our lives are one new and exciting adventure after another!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it; you told me Gardein Scallopini before but I didn't know what it is. My Dad said it is a brand name of meat analogues?

Cecile said...

Yes it is. It's quite good actually. We don't have the processed stuff often, just once in awhile.

Food Journal


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