Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Homemade Lasagna

If you have read my About Me page or taken a look at our Nuggets page, you know that we have chickens.  Other than the eggs from our chickens, we are vegan.  Eventually, our eggs accumulate and we need to use them and that's when I make pasta.  There are many, excellent vegan pastas on the market.  The lasagna I made today would taste fabulous and be vegan using those.  I don't use cheese or milk, but I make the lasagna noodles from scratch.
I made the tomato sauce I made the other day, minus the mushrooms and plus carrots.  I sauteed 2 cups sliced mushrooms, but reserved them for their own layer in the lasagna.  I made a vegan bechemel sauce.  It's simple, though a bit of a splurge. 

3 T vegan butter 
3 T olive oil 
3 T flour ( I like white whole wheat)
2 cups soy milk ( or other non-dairy milk)
1 t dried italian herbs
  • melt butter and oil in pan until bubbly
  • add flour and wisk
  • cook flour until starts to brown slightly
  • slowly add milk, stirring continuously with wisk
  • stir in italian herbs
  • salt to taste

If you have nutritional yeast you can add 1/4 to 1/2 cup before salting.

Layer tomato sauce, noodles, mushrooms, bechamel until pan is full.  Usually 2 layers of each.  I top it with the bechamel.  It browns nicely and gives the look of cheese.  This is vegan, but not something I would have all the time.  So good!


Anonymous said...

oh my that looks so good. I have been thinking that I really want lasagna and eggplant parmigiana. I'm going to give this recipe a try soon. Probably after my daughter's graduation. Or maybe next Sunday. I'll have to see if I can pull that together. Yumm!!

Cecile said...

Congrats to your daughter!

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