Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I live in the Southwest and spicy food is a staple here.  I was feeling like some comfort food, so I made vegan versions of my faves.
First I made pinto beans, seasoned with onions, sea salt and cumin.  

Then green chili sauce.  You start with the green chilies, of course.  I chose mild, they still have a little heat.  The frozen ones are best, unless you can find freshly roasted.  For one 13 oz container, saute a small onion and two cloves of garlic in a little canola oil over medium-high heat.
After the onions have started to soften, add 2 tablespoons of flour and cook an additional minute or so, until browned.  Then add the defrosted container of green chilies and about 1 cup of water.
Stir and bring mixture to boil, then reduce heat to low and allow to thicken, this picture is before the sauce came to a boil.
It takes about 15 min or so to thicken, salt to taste and serve.  It is served here on almost every thing.  Makes amazing green enchiladas.
I wanted something cold and fresh to go with the beans and rice, but was completely out of tomatoes and lettuce, so I decided to make a simple corn salsa.

  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 cup frozen corn, thawed
  • 1 slice purple onion, diced
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • salt to taste
Combine and serve, very yummy.  If you want it to be hot, chop a jalapeno and add that.

I made a long-grain brown rice and seasoned it with salt and Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime.  I'm blessed to have a rice cooker, so not sure how long it took to cook exactly.  

Lunch was a big hit, we had some leftover chipotle tostadas from last week.  It was so good!  I served it with a little Tofutti sour cream.  The kids had some vegan cheese with theirs.


Anonymous said...

This looks so yummy!

Prairie + Sky said...

All of this looks great! Yum :)

Food Journal


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