Monday, May 31, 2010

Polenta & Sun-Dried Tomato & Mushroom Sauce

I have always enjoyed polenta.  In the past I had purchased it in the tube and sauteed it in a pan.  Today I decided to make it myself.  It was quite simple.  It was soft and delicious.  To make it firm to saute, just simply chill and cut later.  The sauce I made was dark and rich.  Maybe a little heavy for summer, but it was so good.  We were so hungry and ate it so fast, there were no pictures taken!


7 cups water
1 2/3 cups yellow polenta
2-3 tsp sea salt
  • In a large saucepan, bring the water and salt to a boil over medium high heat
  • slowly add polenta, while stirring with a whisk
  • after all the polenta has been added, reduce heat to low and cook, with lid on, until all the water is absorbed and the polenta is thick, stirring occasionally
  • this took about 15 min, but I let it sit in the pan for a good 30 with the lid on while I prepared the sauce.

Sundried Tomato-Mushroom Sauce

1 15 oz can crushed tomatoes
8 oz baby portabella or other mushroom, sliced
1/4 cup red wine
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 med onion, finely chopped
3-4 sundried tomatoes, soaked in warm water until soft enough to dice
2 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried oregano
sea salt to taste
olive oil

  • heat pan over medium-high heat
  • drizzle with olive oil, enough to coat
  • add onion, mushroom and garlic and saute for 3-4 min
  • add basil and oregano and saute for 1 min
  • add wine and saute 1 min
  • add crushed tomatoes and sundried tomatoes.  Stir to combine and reduce heat to low
  • cover and cook for 15 min, checking every 5 min.  Add small amount of water if starting to stick.
  • taste and add salt to taste


Food Journal


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